At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon

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Father Tim, the bachelor rector, has a dog the size of a sofa who moves in and won’t go away, an attractive neighbor who begins wearing a path through the hedge. Now stir in a lovable but unloved boy, a mystifying jewel theft, and a secret that’s sixty years old.

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At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon – originally published in 1994 in paperback format in excellent condition. This is the first in the Mitford Series.


It’s easy to feel at home in Mitford. In these high, green hills, the air is pure, the village is charming, and the people are generally lovable.

Yet, Father Tim, the bachelor rector, wants something more. Enter a dog the size of a sofa that moves in and won’t go away. Add an attractive neighbor who begins wearing a path through the hedge. Now stir in a lovable but unloved boy, a mystifying jewel theft, and a secret that’s sixty years old.

Suddenly, Father Tim gets more than he bargained for. And readers get a rich comedy in which mysteries and miracles abound.

This paperback book is in good condition with some age-related yellowing. It measures approximately 5 inches wide by 7-3/4 inches tall and 3/4 inch thick. There are 446 pages and this edition was published in 1994.

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 1 in


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