Folk Lore Or Superstitious Beliefs In The West of Scotland


Folk-Lore Or Superstitious Beliefs In The West of Scotland There’s more to holidays and superstitions like Halloween, Christmas and May Day, trick-or-treaters,

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Folk-Lore Or Superstitious Beliefs In The West of Scotland

There’s more to holidays and superstitions like Halloween, Christmas, and May Day than just trick-or-treaters, bad luck from walking under ladders, maypoles, and jolly, old fat men!

Original author James Napier captures the essence of superstition throughout the ebook with Scottish tales and beliefs that were common in the early to mid-1800s. The text within this Ebook has remained unchanged and consequently retains its olden-time charm. And what’s more Napier wrote in a manner sure to stir up your imagination and give you a clear picture of each story he provides as examples throughout Folklore and Old-Time Superstitions!

Topics covered in Folklore and Old-Time Superstitions include:

Birth and childbirth
Witchcraft, Second Sight, and The Black Arts
Charms and Counter Charms
Survivals of Ancient Sun and Fire Worship
Halloween and More!

The eBook is in Acrobat Reader PDF format and zipped to save space on our servers. The file size is 469KB.


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