War of the World by HG Wells


The unnamed Narrator lives in Woking, outside of London, in the early twentieth century. He tells the story of an invasion of Earth by Martians. The events start at the end of the nineteenth century, while Earth is being observed by Martians. Resources on Mars are running out, and the Martians, with superior technology, plan to conquer Earth. Astronomers witness the venting of gases on Mars, not knowing that it is the Martians launching their attack.

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War of the World by HG Wells originally published in 1898 is a sci-fi/fantasy with aliens invading the earth. For the time period so very ahead of its time.

The unnamed Narrator lives in Woking, outside of London, in the early twentieth century. He tells the story of an invasion of Earth by Martians. The events start at the end of the nineteenth century, while Earth is being observed by Martians. Resources on Mars are running out, and the Martians, with superior technology, plan to conquer Earth. Astronomers witness the venting of gases on Mars, not knowing that it is the Martians launching their attack.

A falling star lands near the Narrator’s home and he goes to investigate. Several other scientists have already started inspecting the strange object. It is a long metal cylinder with an endcap the size of a table. When the endcap begins to unscrew itself, the scientists conclude that it must have travelers inside. Crowds of people gather, and eventually strange Martians exit from the cylinder. The Narrator later discovers that these strange beings are actually vehicles that the Martians pilot (only part of the large “creature” that everyone sees is actually the Martian).


The ebook comes in Acrobat Reader PDF and we have included the WORD and TEXT document inside the zipped file to save space on the server, for your personal use. the file is 1.1MB


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