Jolene's Bookstore eBooks For Sale,whats new Looking Spiffy New Book Covers

Looking Spiffy New Book Covers

Looking Spiffy New Book Covers

Looking Spiffy New Book Covers

We have spent a few days sprucing up the website and redoing all the current book covers for our eBooks and paper books we have for sale so far. You can do the same for your own books. eBooks covers can be created using PAINT photo manipulation software with pictures depicting something significant that denotes the book’s content and the text feature to type in the title, subtitle (if you want one), and the author’s name. We then used a free website service to covert that flat image into a 3D picture of an eReader.

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For the paperbacks and hardback books, we now have added to the site for sale we took pictures of the front, back, and spine of each of the books and used the same website to create 3D covers of standing paperbacks and standing hardback books. There are several models available and great to create decent covers for posting and sales pages for your stories.

Now, all we have to do is add more of our backlog of paper copies of books and the remaining 40 or 50 eBooks we have master rights to sell. Those all take time and hopefully we will get those done over the next 4 to 6 months. We have about 10 or 11 plastic 30-gallon containers of books in storage and have received new donations every month. Our area of North Florida really could use a decent bookstore and when things get back to a somewhat normal setting once more we hope to be able to offer a physical place for our customers to come and browse our selections.

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