Jolene's Bookstore Just for Readers Supporting Your Favorite Authors

Supporting Your Favorite Authors

We are all avid readers here. Let’s face it you wouldn’t be on this website if you didn’t like to read. For most writers out there the profession is more of a calling than just a vocation. Except for an exceptional few most published authors do not make enough money to support themselves let alone a family or extravagant lifestyle. For those who think that being a writer means being able to stay in your pajamas and just type on a computer all day and make loads of money, you are sadly mistaken.

Yes, as a writer you can sit in your pajamas and type on the computer but you also have to create and finish stories that sell. You have to get them edited and then rewrite parts of them. You will eventually need to find a published or self-publish your work. You will need to get a book cover created that attracts people to read the book. You will have to do most if not all of the marketing for your book by yourself or in conjunction with the publishing house (should you be so lucky to have one). And Marketing involves getting out there and showing people your books, talking to the readers, responding to questions in your email, online, on social media and on your website.

As readers and fans of writers we all should read the stories of our favorite writers as well as those who are not a well-known. Once read write down your impressions about the book, the story and even the writing style. Then share your views with other readers by going on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc and write a review for the book(s). For those who are able please buy the books and those who can’t check them out of the library. If they are not at your library then request them to be purchased. Share your reviews on your own social media accounts. And then go out and get more books and do it all over again.

Writing reviews is FREE and sharing your reviews with your friends and family may, eventually, allow that writer to keep writing the stories that you love and be able to support themselves too.

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