eBooks Galore

Everybody is getting use to the electronic books. So much so that you can get them from your local library, check them out at online only libraries and of course buy them almost everywhere these days online as well. Don’t get me wrong I love my Kindle Reader App as well as the Overdrive app and even the new Libby app that the local libraries are trying out here lately. It is so convenient for me to press an icon on my smartphone and open a book I was reading to the last page read I was reading and just immerse yourself into the story wherever you happen to be at the time. I use it while I’m standing in line at the grocery store, at the doctor’s office and sometimes (don’t tell anyone) when I’m sitting in traffic.


You really shouldn’t be looking at your phone while behind the wheel but if someone else is driving then by all means whip out the old smartphone or iPad and enjoy yourself. They don’t take up any room in your house. We live in an RV and have been buying all of our favorite books in eBook format because there is just no room in a camper to take many books with us. Our local library is getting quite a collection of eBooks on their website and it is just so convenient to go online and check out a couple for a weekend of reading enjoyment in the great outdoors. All I have to do is keep the phone charged up so I can keep on reading.

When I’m done my Kindle app is connected to Goodreads that tells all of my fellow readers that I have finished that story and what I thought about it. Writing reviews of the books you have read is a great way to help out all the authors out there whether it is a library book or one you have bought. The more reviews they get the better their ranking is on places like Amazon so hopefully they sell more books and make more money to write more great stories! Please support your favorite struggling writers out there and write reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and wherever you get your eBooks.


eBooks are really great but don’t forget that paperback and hardback books are great too. We have over 600 books in storage right now that we just couldn’t throw or give away. If there are paperback books available at the campgrounds we visit we will pick up one or two to read while we are there but give them back before we leave. There is just something about a paperback in your hands that is so relaxing. I mean if you happen to fall asleep while reading a paperback book you don’t have to worry about it falling down and breaking now do you? Just because eBooks are more convenient should not mean that we don’t have printed books too! I mean what are you going to read when the lights go out and there is no way to charge up your reading device?

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