Jolene's Bookstore Holidays Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! We hope you are enjoying your Valentine’s Day cards and candy and have received lots of each. If not don’t despair you can always go out and buy yourself a nice box of chocolates or better still buy some for a total stranger and leave it on their desk, doorstep or mail box. Now, don’t be all stalkery about it just place a nice note hoping that person has a great day from a secret admirer. This would really be great at a nursing home in your area. To me what you send out in the world has a tendency to come back at you 10 fold so if you send out good vibrations, do a good deed or whatever without expecting anything in return then that good karma will come back to you too.

So instead of being all bummed out about not getting your own Valentine’s Day card give them out instead. And for a treat for yourself buy a little trinket, a great book to read later or even purchase yourself a nice dinner or better still really go for it and have one delivered. You deserve to treat yourself every now and then and Valentine’s Day is a great day to do it as any. Besides you really have to love yourself first before you can invite someone in to love you back.

For those moms and/or dads out there with little kids please make a big deal about whatever card they create for you. It may not be much but they did their best and just want you to take a few minutes and admire their work, give them a hug and kiss and give them a card and a piece of candy back. There is no rule that says you can’t make your own cards for them or anyone for that matter. It was fun when you were small and can be fun when you are an adult too.

For those who have a loved one you are celebrating Valentine’s Day with we hope you have a wonderful time doing what ever it is you enjoy doing together. If you need ideas for it why not try something completely new like planning a picnic in the park (if it’s not snowing or raining outside that is), a walk in the local arboretum or public gardens is always nice, a paddle boat ride on the local lake, or even dinner on the back patio under the stars is a great way to spend an evening. Of course, if the weather is uncooperative and you cannot afford to take your loved one to warmer climes then setting up a picnic on a blanket in the living room in front of the fire is a classic. No fire place? There is an app for that to show one on your TV somewhere out there. You could set candles around the room, play romantic music on the stereo and cook a simple but delicious meal to serve on TV trays in bed while you snuggle up to keep warm. Use your imagination and go for it!

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